Square of Blondie

Blondie: a decadent white brownie


A Blondie is a decadent white brownie. It is usually golden yellow with sparks of white given by the white chocolate chips (optional but worth it!). It can, of course, be a very sweet and chewie dessert, but undoubtedly delicious. Add a pinch of salt and crunchy peanut butter for taste and consistency to elevate this simple fudgy cake.

This recipe calls for butter that will make this cake super moist and can survive up to 5 days and longer if you keep it in the fridge or freezer. If you love brownies, our delicious recipe for the no-bake brownie is worth a try.


Make a 20x20cm tray. Prep time 10 minutes and cooking time 35 minutes.

  • 120g butter
  • 170g sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 yolk
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • ¼ baking powder
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 120 gluten-free plain flour
  • 150g white chocolate chips
  • 4tbsp crunchy peanut butter


1 – Lightly melt the butter to get a creamy consistency, and add the sugar. Mix one egg with a spoonful of flour at a time and mix well. Add the remaining flour, salt and baking powder and mix well.

2 – Pour white chocolate chips into the blondie batter (keep some for garnish), mix it in, pour it into the lined tray, and spoon the peanut butter, dotting it all around.

3 – Swipe the tip of the knife over the peanut butter to mix it in the blondie mix to get a marbled effect. Sprinkle white chocolate chips and bake the blondie at 170°C for 30-40 minutes. Before serving, garnish the blondie with more peanut butter and white chocolate chips.


  • When the cake batter is high in butter it tends to split. Adding egg and flour will prevent the blondie batter from splitting,
  • Let the blondie cool completely before cutting into it.

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